The art of limitation

So...I've decided to start a blog. But what will it be about? There are so many topics to write about that it's very hard to choose just one or a few. But in order for this blog to be even somewhat coherent I do think there should be some limits as to the topics. SO what options should  I go for? My daily life (which is quite boring TBH), current events, book reviews, health (probably not, because...Chocolate!....and laziness), my beauty fails (what is the difference between BB creme and foundation anyway?), cooking, DIY, travel...So many options!

I guess I will start with what interests me most and what is currently in my life. Which would be books and travel at the moment.

A lot of people do book reviews and though it seems like an "easy" place to start (you have something to talk about whitout having to cast about for a subject) I think it is harder than it looks. Most reviews I have seen recently only talk about books they like. And that is all good and well, but sometimes (if you are like me) you just need to rant about a bad book! But seeing only the positive reviews has made me rethink the ranting reviews. The author probably worked long and hard on that book, and even though I didn't like it, many others probably did. Their publisher must have...(although in these self-publishing days you never know...). Besides it is very easy for me to get carried away during a rant and say things that are probably hurtful. SO I think I will try and take the high road and avoid bad reviews. Until I learn to control my ranting at least...

Travel is on my mind because my trip to South America is coming up next month and I'm beginning to get the jitters. I signed up for a group trip, because I am going alone (well, with the group now, but you know what I mean) so I don't know any of the people I am going with...which is quite nerve wracking! I've been on "big" trips before but always with a friend, so this will be a new experience for me, and will hopefully force me out of my shell a little bit.

Well, I'll consider that enough of an introduction for now. More to come later!



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