Carrot Cake Recipe

I'm bringing cake to work for my birthday, and since I was baking anyway, I decided I might as well take a few pictures and share this recipe. Now, I didn't invent this recipe, but I regret to say I have no idea who did. It's one of those that I wrote down in my personal little recipe book years ago, and now I have no idea where it originated. But it's too delicious not to share!

So you will need:

200 g soft butter
200 g brown sugar
3 eggs
200 g flour
2 teaspoons of cinnamon
2 teaspoons of baking powder
300 g grated carrots
75 g chopped walnuts

And here is how you do it:

Whisk butter, eggs and brown sugar. Use an electric mixer or some sort of Kitchen Aid-ey machine.

Mix flour, cinnamon and baking powder and alternate mixing that and the carrots/nuts into the eggy mix.

Bake at 175 degrees C for 1 hour. (But as always, keep an eye on it. All ovens are not the same!)

I usually make a yummy cream cheese frosting to go with it:

60 g soft butter
125 g icing sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla sugar
100 g cream cheese (neutral flavour)

Whisk it all together and put on the cake once it is COMPLETELY cooled off! Otherwise the frosting goes a bit weird.

Now a few notes on my style of baking...My butter was not exactly soft, as I had just bought it from the shop. I used it anyway! (Rebel!) Just cut it into smaller pieces so it's easier to mix. The whole alternating flour and carrot mix is not for me. I'm way too lazy, so I just plonk everything in all at once, after I have whisked the eggs, butter and sugar. It seems to work okay.

Normally I would have taken a lovely picture with the frosting on the cake, but I'm bringing the frosting on the side, because some of my colleagues are weird like that! But this is what the finished result looks like.

Happy baking everyone!


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