Mini Travel Haul

I am going to Morocco soon (YAY!) and being in town yesterday, I took the opportunity to buy a few items for the trip. It turned into a bigger shop than intended, so I thought I would share my little haul.

First of all there are a few essentials, like sun block, bug spray and bug bite relief creme. Sun block especially for the lips is important too! You don't want crispy lips! I always opt for quite a high SPF as my skin does not tan well. This is a new type for me though, as I have not tried the Ambre Solaire SPF 50 before, so I hope it will actually absorb into the skin and not just sit on top like a white coat of paint (I am pale enough as it is). Cremes with high SPF sometimes don't really absorb that well, but Ambre Solaire is usually okay.

Then I got a few pouches for packing. I thought these small one from Tiger were especially handy. They have suggestions for what to put in them like q-tips and your toothbrush. I will definitely use the small ones for q-tips and maybe hair-ties, since I usually just chuck them in my big toiletry bag, and then they end up on the bottom getting grubby and gross. These pouches will keep everything nicely separated.

Then I got some bigger pouches from Eagle Creek. I thought these would be good to keep track of your underwear and socks and smaller items of clothing. Now, the pouches are a bit smaller than I imagined before I bought them, but I will make it work. It is nice to have an opportunity to keep things separated in your big suitcase/backpack, instead of having mismatched socks all over the place.

Then I got a random little plastic container. I just thought this one was cute, and I will use it to pack my chargers, so the prongs don't get bent. This came in a set of three from Tiger, but I think I will just use the medium sized one, since that should be big enough for all my chargers.

Then I went to the pharmacy and got some painkillers and some Imodium, in case of stomach problems. Which happens often enough on travels, so you might as well come prepared!

That was all the stuff I got yesterday. I still have a few things I need to get before I am completely ready, but I have some things left over from previous travels, so I need to take stock before I know exactly what I need to buy. I'm thinking I will do a post on what I pack for the trip, once I actually start packing.

(Please excuse the terrible pictures, my camera died, so I had to use my phone)


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