Favorite Authors - Introduction

As anyone would, I have a few favorite authors. Some are pretty well known and loved, like J.K. Rowling, some are known, but perhaps not loved as much as I think they should be such as Jane Austen and Erich Maria Remarque. So I have decided to share my favorites with all the world!

It could even be interesting for me, since I am what they call a casual fan. If I enjoy a book, or a piece of music, or a film or anything at all really, I am pretty much content just enjoying that work. I’ll probably seek out other work of the same person, but I am not one to memorize details of a person’s life, or look for all the Easter eggs in a Disney movie, or any such thing. I am way too lazy for that. So I don’t necessarily know a lot about my favorite authors aside from the books they have written and I have enjoyed. So this should be educational for me too! Sometimes knowing the back story of the author might help you understand the book in a different way too, which should be a bonus. I look forward to delving a little deeper into the works of my favorites, and seeing what knowing the backstory can give me. I hope you will enjoy it too!


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