Finding Time to Read

You might have noticed that these past few months I have been missing my usual posting times every now and again. That's because I've started a new trainee job that keeps me well busy all day long. I have longer hours than I've been used to and about 3 times a year I'm off for weeks at school.

I'm an introvert, one of those people who charge their social batteries when they are alone. In my case I need to be alone and doing absolutely nothing in order for my batteries to properly charge up. "Doing nothing" often means watching more or less braindead content on Youtube or Netflix, which takes away time from my reading. Reading is fun and oftentimes relaxing but at the same time it does require some work by your brain in order to actually read and understand the words, and then for your brain to provide all those beautiful images and scenes described by said words. So while I do love reading, sometimes it just isn't effortless enough to charge my batteries in the short time I have available.

But excuses aside, I really do want to read more. I've recently started taking advantage of the 10 minutes here and there you often find throughout the day. I used to think I would need hours of uninterrupted time in order to settle down with a book and really get into it, but lately I've found that those few minutes here and there do add up. Of course it's more of an immersive reading experience if you DO have uninterrupted hours of time to devote to a book, but most books don't suffer from being read in short bursts.

So do like Rory Gilmore and always bring a book with you, in some form or other (audio, kindle, physical or whathaveyou) and you will be able to take advantage of all that time in you life, that you would otherwise just spend waiting for various things like trains, doctors appointments and your friends late for meet-ups.


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