TBR Jar Review: Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan

TBR Jar review: Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan

I’m really pleased I finally got around to reading this. I’ve never read anything by Levithan before, but I was pleased with what I read, so I look forward to more from him. 

This book is centered around two boys kissing. Harry and Craig used to be a couple, but they are not anymore. When Craig gets the idea to go for the world record for longest kiss, Harry is there to help and support. As they kiss we meet a number of boys trying to navigate a world where so many people think that who they are is wrong. All the main characters of this book are gay, and each has his own struggles trying to fit in or finding the courage to stand out. Their struggles are followed with avid interest by the spirits of all the men who died of AIDS in the 1980s. These men put a wider perspective to each boy’s own personal struggle, and I thought that was a really interesting concept. 

Although we don’t really get to know the characters outside of their struggles with sexuality I feel like they were well fleshed out and interesting and you cared about each and every one of them. 

I gave this book 4 stars out of 5 and would recommend it to anyone. 

The next pick from my TBR Jar is “The Undomestic Goddess” by Sophie Kinsella. I’m struggling a bit deciding whether to actually read this one or not. I enjoy a good “chick-lit” book now and again, but I don’t really know if I am in the mood right now.  I must confess I am leaning towards “no” so I’ve picked another book from the jar and that is “Camille” by Alexandre Dumas-fils. I have a feeling this would also be called “chick-lit” if it were published today… 


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