Rapid Fire Book Tag

I was looking for a fun tag to do, and this one seemed like a quick little thing, so I decided to do it. I know the rapid fire element sort of fails when you write your answers out and have time to think about them, but I promise I will do them as quickly and intuitively as possible. 

The tag was created by GirlReading and you can see her video here :) Let’s get started!

  • E-Book or Physical Book? 

I love physical books! I just can’t get into digital books in any way, shape or form

  • Paperback or Hardback?

I don’t really have a preference, except that I HATE those tiny hardbacks where your arms get a workout just from trying to keep the book cracked all the way open. You know the ones!

  • Online or In-Store Book Shopping?

I mostly do online, simply because my book shops don’t really have a lot of the things I am looking for, but when I do come across a well-supplied book store there is nothing better than browsing the shelves for hours on end. Online I tend to shop for the books I know I want, meaning I don’t really aimlessly browse, as I would in a physical store

  • Trilogies or Series?

That really depends on the writing and the story! Some stories certainly don’t need to be as drawn out as they are, and sometimes I get really bored being in the same world for so long. But if the story warrants it and the writer does a good job I do enjoy both trilogies and series.

  • Heroes or Villains?

Hero and anti-heroes. But a good story often needs a good villain, so we can’t do entirely without them. 

  • A book you want everyone to read?

“All Quiet on the Western Front” by Erich Maria Remarque. It might give some people pause, especially with the current political climate. 

  • Recommend an underrated book?

“Angelfall” by Susan Ee. YA dystopian that is something different from the other popular books in the genre. 

  • The last book you finished?

“An Arsonist’s Guide to Writers’ Homes in New England” by Brock Clarke. It was fine…

  • The Last Book You Bought? 

“A Gathering of Shadows” by V.E. Schwab, second book of the “Shades of Magic” series. I read the first one and it was SO good, so I need to read this one soon!

  • Weirdest Thing You've Used as a Bookmark?

A crochet granny square

  • Used Books: Yes or No?

Yes! Recycling, saving money, what’s not to love. As long as the books are clean…

  • Top Three Favourite Genres?

Historical fiction, fantasy and classics maybe. I read a lot of different genres, and the only thing I actively avoid are crime novels and magical realism. 

  • Borrow or Buy?

I borrow most of my books from my local library. If I find that I love it and would want to read it again, I will buy it

  • Characters or Plot?

Plot, but the characters do need to interest me too

  • Long or Short Books?

I prefer longer books, so we have time to get to know the characters better, but there is definitely such a thing as too long books

  • Long or Short Chapters?

On the shorter side I think. That way you can easily tell yourself you’ll just read one more chapter before you go to bed…

  • Name The First Three Books You Think Of...

“Little Dorrit” by Charles Dickens
“The Lost Art of Keeping Secrets” by Eva Rice 
“The Time Traveller’s Wife” by Audrey Niffenegger

  • Books That Makes You Laugh or Cry?

Books about WWII are the ones that most often makes me shed a tear

  • Our World or Fictional Worlds?

Both, if the fictional world is well-done

  • Audiobooks: Yes or No?

No. I just can’t seem to listen when someone is reading to me…

  • Do You Ever Judge a Book by its Cover?

Rarely. I will mostly give any book a chance, but really cheesy romance-y type covers can put me off

  • Book to Movie or Book to TV Adaptations? 

Book to TV adaptations will often allow more time to follow the plot of the book, but this can also mean that they deviate more from the book in order to fill up enough time and create enough plot lines. So it really depends how it is done.

  • A Movie or TV-Show You Preferred to its Book? 

“The Painted Veil” by W. Somerset Maugham

  • Series or Standalone’s?

Both, provided the plot fits into the length of the work. I hate drawn out series or crammed standalones.  


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