Black Friday Unboxing Book Haul!

So Black Friday happened...And I got swept up in it! My favourite web bookshop had 20% off EVERYTHING and I went a little crazy! The box actually arrived a week ago, but I have been so busy, and I didn't want to unbox it until I had time to do a post about it. And the time has finally come! I had actually forgotten most of the books I ordered, so this was almost like Christmas.

 I ordered 8 books and pretty much all of them are some that I have seen Booktubers on Youtube talk about recently, so I am quite excited to start reading them. I have only recently started buying books I haven't read before. I used to use the library a lot, but that meant waiting a long time for new books to become available, especially if they were popular and there was a waitlist. But as I grow older, I grow more impatient, and now purchase books on a regular basis.

So let's begin with the books!

First off is "A Monster Calls" by Patrick Ness, illustrated by Jim Kay.

I am glad I got the illustrated version as I think it adds to the reading experience. And these illustrations happen to be gorgeous.

To be fair, I wasn't really paying attention whether or not I ordered the illustrated version (I probably just picked the cheapest one), but I am glad I got it. I have heard a lot about this book and Patrick Ness in general, and I am excited to see if all the praise holds up.

Next is "Throne of Glass" by Sarah J. Maas.

The first in a series, I hope this will fill the void after "The Hunger Games". To be honest the synopsis on the back sounds a bit over the top and Harlequin-esque for me, but I guess that's the fate of most of these synopsis-type things. And again it has big fans in the Booktube community so I thought I would give it a try despite the corny summary.

Next up  is "This song will save your life" by Leila Sales.

I honestly can't remember where I have heard about this. I don't think it was Youtube this time. Maybe it was Goodreads, as I also have a very long TBR list there, which I try to make shorter sometimes by ordering books off there. It must be...On the back it says "For older readers"...but I assume they mean older teens, as it seems like a high school story. But I like a good high school story once in a while!

"Code Name Verity" by Elizabeth Wein is up next.

As far as I understand there is a companion novel to this one called "Rose Under Fire", and I might pick that up too, if I like this one. This is also a Youtube recommendation, and people on there seem to like it. The synopsis sounds promising and a World War II setting always makes for good books.

Next up is "Fangirl" by Rainbow Rowell.

Now I think we've all heard people raving about this book and this author for ages. I read "Eleanor and Park" and really liked it. I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't fluffy YA, and I hope this book will surprise me in a similar way. Not that there is anything wrong with fluffy YA, but sometimes a bit more substance is needed.

Next is some (seemingly) fluffy YA; "The Boyfriend List. 15 Guys, 11 Shrink Appointments, 4 Ceramic Frogs and me, Ruby Oliver" by E. Lockhart.

This seems like an uncomplicated fun book, and I am looking forward to reading it. It's been on my Goodreads TBR list for a while now, so it will be nice to cross it off.

"Ready Player One" by Ernest Kline is next.

I don't really enjoy sci-fi usually, but I heard so many good things about this on Youtube, that I thought I would try it. And you should try new things sometimes, right?

Last, but not least, is "The Bronze Horseman" by Paullina Simons.

I believe this is the first book in a series, but I am not actually sure. Again it is set during WWII, but this time in Russia, which is a little unusual, I think. This is another book, I have heard great things about on Youtube, and the synopsis is definitely gripping. So I am looking forward to starting this one.

These were all the books, I got in my Black Friday book haul. They should keep me occupied for a while, and as I mentioned in my previous post, I will be picking one of these for my first review on this blog! I think it will be either Fangirl og Ready Player One. Maybe...


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