New Year's Resolutions!

Yes, I have yet again made some resolutions for the new year. I usually make some every year and I usually fail them! But this year I really want to make an effort to keep them. I do say that every year though.....

Because I usually fail at keeping my resolutions I have picked some this year that I think will be easier to keep. Not the usual "get fit" or "save more money" which are quite hard to keep because the motivation just usually isn't there and they are quite unspecific. So this year I have gone for quite specific resolutions and some that I feel I am more motivated to keep, just because I'm interested in them! So here goes...

  1. Do more DIY! I have an ever growing Pinterest DIY board full of fun and great ideas, but I just never seem to sit down and do them. I hope that having this blog where I can share my progress will help me in being motivated to tick some pins off my board.
  2. Take up yoga or pilates. This is a more specific version of the "get fit" resolution, and once you've signed up for a class, there is way more motivation to actually go do it. 
  3. Do a "365 pictures/a picture a day for 365 days" project. I think this is a really fun project and a great way to keep memories from the past year. I started this project last year on Instagram, but I quit pretty fast. Partly because I had chosen a theme for my pictures; a self-portrait everyday, but because I am very un-photogenic, I chose to take pictures of my feet! And that got old real fast! So this year I will just take a picture of something that is actually interesting and hopefully that will keep me going for the full 365 days.
Those are my New Year's resolutions. There aren't many and they are quite simple, I think, but I hope that that will help me actually keep them this year. Wish me luck!

EDIT: Well, for a blog about books, how could I forget a bookish resolution? I always do the Goodreads reading challenge, but I never really consider it a resolution for some reason. But for 2015 I want to read 60 books. I failed the challenge for 2014...I had said I wanted to read 70 books I think, but I only managed 46. 2014 was kind of a weird year of reading for me. I don't really know why, but it just feels like I didn't mange to read as much as I wanted to. So I scaled down a bit this year, so hopefully I will manage to complete this challenge!


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