Reader Problems Tag

I was inspired to do this post by a Youtube tag video. This one from Little Book Owl specifically:

The tag was created by About to Read and you can see the original video here:

So here are the questions:

  • You have 20,000 books on your TBR. How do you decide which to read next?
Luckily I don't have quite that many books on my TBR, but it is growing steadily. When it comes to choosing the next book to read, availability is a big factor. Having a book ready to go means that it is probably the next one to be read. Now that I have started buying more books for myself it is easier to get some of the newer books straight away, rather than have to wait months and months to get them from the library. So I will buy a bunch of books and pretty much just read what suits my fancy at the time. But I will try and read them all before getting new ones!
  • You are halfway through a book and you are just not loving it. Do you quit or continue?
In the past I could NOT quit a book and I still struggle to do it. But life is too short and the TBR is too long to be reading books you don't like, and if I am really struggling and not getting anything at all from it then I will quit it.
  • The end of the year is coming and you are so close, yet so far away from reaching your Goodreads reading challenge goal. Do you try to catch up and how?
If I am really really close I will try to catch up by making reading a priority, but if I can tell that I won't make it I just let it slide and think "Next year!"
  • The covers of a series you love do not match. How do you cope?
I cope okay...I don't really mind unmatching covers. Exhibit A, my Harry Potter collection in 3 languages and 4 editions: 

  • Everyone and their mother loves a book you really don't like. Who do you bond with over shared feelings? 
 I know the feeling being the only one who didn't like that book! But you can usually find someone who shares those feelings if you look hard enough. I usually just put my honest review out there and let the chips fall where they may.
  • You are reading a book and you are about to start crying in public. How do you deal?
I don't really read much in public as I find it a very private experience to read to begin with. Secondly I don't really use public transportation which could be useful reading time, and even if I did I get horrible motion sickness, so that's not really an option for me.
  • A sequel of a book you love is coming out, but you forgot a lot from the prior novel. Will you reread the book, skip the sequel, try to find a synopsis on-line or cry in frustration? 
If I LOVED the book then I will probably read it again (I am a massive re-reader) but sometimes if I don't have time or opportunity to re-read the first one I will just power through the second one and hope all the important bits will come back to me. Many sequels do explain certain important things that happened in the first book in case the readers have forgotten and that is often helpful.
  • You don't want anyone to borrow your books, How do you politely say no?
I will conveniently forget that they ever asked....Usually only if I really loved the book, as I can't stand not having it close to me! If it is an okay book that I think I can live without for a few weeks I don't mind lending it out to people I trust will take care of it.
  • Reading ADD. You picked up and put down 5 books over the last month. How do you get over your reading slump?
I will usually power through it and finish those 5 books, even if I have to force myself to do it. And then I will treat myself to a re-read of a favourite!
  • There are so many new books coming out that you are dying to read. How many do you actually buy?
I have only just recently started buying books as opposed to using the library so I am still a bit wary of buying tons of books. I usually wait it out a bit and check out some reviews before I decide to buy new books. 
  • After you bought the new books you can't wait to get to, how long do they sit on your shelf before you get to them?
As mentioned above I will usually try to read the books from one haul before buying new ones, so I would say they would maximum sit on my shelf for a few months. I don't actually shelve books until I have read them and decided if I want to keep them so having stacks of books laying around is a great motivator to get them read!


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