Review: A Room of One’s Own - Virginia Woolf
This was the April pick for The Feminist Orchestra Bookclub (links below). The book is based on a a couple of lectures that Woolf gave in 1928. It basically talks about the lack of women in literature and why that is. The main point is that any person would need a room of one’s own and 500 pounds a year in order to be able to write without being disrupted and without having to think of making money to live. If these two things had been available to women throughout history there is no reason women should not have written as much “great literature” as men. But unfortunately women have historically been deprived of these things and as a result there are very few women writers. She also writes a little about how men are afraid of women, and want to keep them down, in order to keep themselves at the top of the literary food chain, so to speak. And I think that was true in her time. Women were just beginning to get the opportunities of men as far as working, voting and ...