Getting my TBR under control...
I am a bit of a Youtube junkie when it comes to TBR challenges. I love watching other people get their TBR under control and The Closet Unhaul series on BooksandLala's channel was some of my favorite content last year. Basically she had an entire closet full of books she had bought when she first started doing Youtube and hadn't gotten around to reading yet. So she would watch her hauls from the same month 2 years earlier and any books she hadn't read she would have to read or get rid of. Sadly she isn't really doing that anymore but I have found another creator who does something similar - Drinking By My Shelf does Balancing the Books and is all about balancing the books she brings onto her TBR and the books she removes from it (by reading or unhauling). Anyway...I love watching that type of video (if you have any recommendations please let me know) and I thought I would try something similar myself. I'm starting out slow because I'm super lazy and don't...