Travel tips!
As I mentioned last time, I am going on a trip soon (woohoo!) and I thought I would share my best travel tips with you. They are mostly common sense, but I think we all know that sometimes, when packing, common sense takes a break. So I hope these tips are helpful, even if they just serve as a reminder of that very good idea you had to bring something, but then you forgot to put it on your packing list. The tips: Scan all your travel documents and send them to your email. That way you can always access them and get policy numbers etc. off them. Bring a copy with you too, in another bag than where you keep the originals, as the internet is not always available....Shock! Use one of those pouch/wallets that go under your clothes to keep your ATM card and any big wads of cash in. And go somewhere private when you need to get something out of it! It's a hazzle to lose your money and/or your card! And yes, it is SO touristy and lame, but the security is better than your purse or b...