New Year's Resolutions Halfway Mark

So half the year has gone by, and it is time for a performance review, as far as my resolutions go. 

1. Do more DIY! I have an ever growing Pinterest DIY board full of fun and great ideas, but I just never seem to sit down and do them. I hope that having this blog where I can share my progress will help me in being motivated to tick some pins off my board.

As far as DIY goes, as you will have noticed by the lack of DIY posts on this blog, I haven't really made any strides. I am working on stuff, it is just larger stuff, like bedspreads, which take a long time to finish. But I hope to upload my first DIY soon. It will be book-related, so that should be fun!

2. Take up yoga or pilates. This is a more specific version of the "get fit" resolution, and once you've signed up for a class, there is way more motivation to actually go do it. 

Epic fail! I have nothing else to say...

3. Do a "365 pictures/a picture a day for 365 days" project. I think this is a really fun project and a great way to keep memories from the past year. I started this project last year on Instagram, but I quit pretty fast. Partly because I had chosen a theme for my pictures; a self-portrait everyday, but because I am very un-photogenic, I chose to take pictures of my feet! And that got old real fast! So this year I will just take a picture of something that is actually interesting and hopefully that will keep me going for the full 365 days.

EPIC WIN!! Or at least, I haven't failed yet. There were a few days when I was in Morocco with no wifi, when I didn't upload a picture. I could easily rectify this as I did TAKE a picture everyday, but my Instagram crashes every time I try to upload from the gallery...GGRR!!

4: Well, for a blog about books, how could I forget a bookish resolution? I always do the Goodreads reading challenge, but I never really consider it a resolution for some reason. But for 2015 I want to read 60 books. I failed the challenge for 2014...I had said I wanted to read 70 books I think, but I only managed 46. 2014 was kind of a weird year of reading for me. I don't really know why, but it just feels like I didn't mange to read as much as I wanted to. So I scaled down a bit this year, so hopefully I will manage to complete this challenge!

I still have hope for this one...although it is fading fast! I've only read 19 book (32%) which is not a lot if I have to reach 60 in 6 months. I'll just have to buckle down and read a lot. I have just put in an order for new books, so hopefully there will be some good ones in there!

Well, I think I am doing okay. I am working on all of them except for the yoga thing. And I really want to do yoga, so maybe this will motivate me to get my ass moving, in the second half of the year at least. How are your resolutions coming along? Have you conquered them all or have they been left by the wayside to die a lonely death?


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