Blogmas Introduction
In the past few years I have felt very jaded when it comes to Christmas. I just have not been enjoying it like I used to do. I think it probably has something to do with growing up. Instead of being a kid with no responsibilities having Christmas served up on a platter by your parents, now I have to make Christmas for myself. Obviously I still celebrate with my family, but it’s just not quite the same. The shops are also starting to get out their Christmas things earlier and earlier, and when you start getting Christmas-cheer thrown at you from the middle of October what little Christmas spirit I have just burns out, before it even gets to December 1st. I always think that I don’t really care about it, but then I still get a little sad, that I don’t really get in the Christmas spirit. So this year I have decided to try Blogmas as a way of almost forcing myself to get into Christmas again! This will make me have to decorate, get some sort of tree and an advent cale...