DIY Tea Light Candle Holder

Now I don’t do a lot of DIY, as evidenced by this blog! But once in a while I get the urge to make something. And the other day I decided to make this little tea light candle holder. It’s easy, cute and inexpensive, so I thought I would share it here. 

Really there is not much to it, but I felt so proud of myself for completing it that I wanted to share! 

You need:

A small glass jar
A brush for the glue
Strips of paper or fabric (if you use paper make sure it’s quite thin, as this will be easier to work with)

Now you just put some glue on the side of the jar and stick your strips of paper or fabric down. Brush glue on again to make sure it really sticks and continue until the jar is completely covered. Bend the strips under the bottom of the jar and glue them down. At the top of the jar cut the strips to just above the opening and then bend them into the jar and glue them down. Let it dry and you’re done!! Easy peasy! 

I think these make for really cute decor in your home, and if you use electric tea lights they can be used in children’s rooms too. Mix up the print of the paper or fabric and the size and shape of the jars to create a mismatched look. 


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