Review: Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo

This is the second book of the Grisha trilogy, and I really liked it. There is not really too much to say without spoiling it, since it is a second book, so I’ll keep it short. 

I think I actually liked this book a tad better than the first, just because I felt like there was more action in this one. Obviously a second book does not have to deal with as much world building as the first in a series, so there is time for more action and character development. I didn’t really feel like we got the latter though. The known characters remained much the same, and we didn’t really delve any deeper into them. The story is told from Alina’s perspective, so I guess it wasn’t really possible to dig deeper unless she did. And more often than not she didn’t. We also meet some new characters and I feel much the same about these. 

As for the plot, in the beginning I felt like it was sort of in a rut. Someone is captured, then they escape, then they are captured again and escape again, and I must say I just about had it when the same thing almost happened at the end. But it played out differently than before, so that was nice. 

I am definitely going to finish this trilogy, but I think I will wait a bit before I read the last book. I feel like I am not cut out for marathoning a series. Obviously it is the same plot played out over several books, and when I read that many pages on the same plot, I just feel like it drones on forever. Even though each book might be really interesting in its own right, I just feel like nothing much is happening with that main plot and that can make me feel like the books are a bit boring. Even if they are not. So I think I will read something else, before I finish the series. 

I gave this book 4 stars out of 5 on Goodreads. 


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