Review: Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles) - Marissa Meyer


This is the second book of the Lunar Chronicles. I won't go into too much detail with the plot as I don't want to spoil anyone. 

In the second book of the series we are introduced to a new character; Scarlet, who is based on “Little Red Ridinghood”. Scarlet’s grandmother is missing and we follow her search for her as she  teams up with a mysterious young man, named Wolf. 

Alongside Scarlet’s story we still follow Cinder and her trials. I thought the books might have been companion novels at first, basically just set in the same universe, but dealing with each their own story, but as Cinder’s story was unfinished in “Cinder” and we meet her again in “Scarlet” I quickly determined that this is an actual series. It does take a good long while, though, for the two stories to link up. It was over half the book until we found out how Scarlet and Cinder were connected, and I felt like that was too long. 

The plot again seems to move quite slowly, and it just didn't have me gripped. I was interested, and I thought it’s was good book, but sometimes I just felt like it was moving too slow. I don’t know what could have been done to make it better, as I don’t feel like there are any unnecessary chunks of text that could have been cut. Perhaps it is just the size of the pages again. I have to say that the last fight scene of the book was quite action packed and that had me wanting to read more, but that was really the only scene that stood out in the book, and there were a few fight scenes in there. 

I gave this book 4 stars out of 5 as I am trying to be more generous with my ratings and not give everything 3 stars...


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