Review: Winter (The Lunar Chronicles) - Marissa Meyer


Well, my library finally got the book in, so I could finish this review! And all my expectations of a kick-ass ending were well and truly met! 

In this last book of the series we learn more about Winter, who was introduced in the last book. She is based on Snowwhite and as with the other girls, there are a number of elements from the fairytales that are recognizable in the story, but it is really a unique story. 

In this final book all the storylines come together and we get an epic rebellion against the evil queen, and quite a few love scenes, as we now have 4 couples to follow. I felt like the plot was really well done. It all seemed to be going along smoothly, but then something would happen to throw it off course and it kept you guessing through the entire book. I was expecting a happy ending, but I must say Marissa Meyer had me on the edge of my seat anyway, and there were times when I thought the happy ending might be tinged with more than one sad event. I won’t say whether or not it was, as I don’t want to spoil you! Just know that the plot is intricate, well paced and really exciting throughout! This book was truly an epic ending to a great series, although to be perfectly honest the first book started out a bit slow for me. 

I will say, I had the same feeling that I was progressing really slowly, as I’ve had with the other books. I don’t know if that is a problem with the size of the pages and the font, or if it my tiny attention span. Probably a mix! 

There are two other books in this series, one a short story following Queen Levana before the events of these books, and one a collection of short stories following the main characters after the events, as far as I understand. I might read the last one, “Stars Above”, to get more of my favorite ship, but otherwise I don’t really feel the need to read these sort of “extra” stories. 

I gave this book 5 stars out of 5 on Goodreads. 


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