Blogmas Day 5 - Gifts for the Book Lover

Day 5 - Gifts for the book lover

As you may know from reading this blog, I am a book lover. There are a lot of us out there, and I have to say I think we are the easiest type to buy presents for. Give us practically any book and we will be happy. If you put a little more thought into it and find a book you really like, or one you think would interest the reader for some specific reason we will be ecstatic. Practically every reader has some sort of wish list full of books. Peruse that, pick any book and you are golden!

Don’t be afraid that a book will feel too impersonal. You picked that specific book for the person which shows you did put some thought into it, whether it was taking the trouble to find their bookish wish list, or picking out a book that you liked in the past and would like to share with the person or picking out an unknown book that for some specific reason you thought they would enjoy.

But if you are wary of buying “just” a book, there are plenty of other options. There is a whole array out there of bookish items, be it jewelry, home decor or clothing with bookish themes, that are sure to bring joy around the tree. 

Etsy is a good place to start looking. Here there are a whole number of creators making wonderfully bookish items and it should be easy to find something wonderful that fits your budget. Now, because there are so many options here, it’s best to go in with some sort of idea of what you want. Maybe the person has a favorite book you could base your gift on, or maybe you specifically want jewelry for that certain someone. Any type of starting point will do, to keep you from being overwhelmed by options. Once you find that perfect gift make sure the Etsy shop can deliver in time. Some shops do take a while to deliver, so if you are in doubt ask the shop keeper if it is possible, and if not, you might have to find something else. Or leave a “gift to come” card under the tree, if your item is just too perfect to miss. 

Physical book stores often have an array of bookish items to choose from. Chances are a reader is also a writer in some capacity and I know I would love a beautiful notebook with some high quality pens. Some sort of prompt journal, like the “Q and A a day”  would also be a good idea. Selection varies from book store to book store so be sure to have a peek around, and see what’s good in your area.

A few suggestions from Etsy*: 

A bookish scarf:

A bookish candle

Book plates for the future librarian:

Hollow books for storage:

There a ton of options out there, so just take a look round and I am sure you will be able to find something just right. I know I would love all of these things!

* I have not used any of these shops myself (yet), so I can’t speak to quality or shipping method. Be sure to look at reviews and follow your instinct when shopping online. 


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