Blogmas Day 8 - Gluten Free Christmas Pudding Recipe

Now this is a recipe for what is directly translated called “Apple slices” (æbleskiver). Traditionally there are supposed to be bits of apple in them, but I don’t like cooked fruit and my family recipe is without apples. 

You do need some speciality equipment for these. You need a pan like this: 

If you can’t find a pan for “æbleskiver” try searching for a takoyaki pan. This is a Japanese snack, that uses the same sort of pan for little dumplings with squid. 

For the apple slices you need:

250 g of flour (glutenfree if you want)
1 tablespoon of sugar
1/2 tablespoon of baking soda
500 ml of buttermilk
2 eggs

Mix everything but the eggs to a smooth batter. Add the eggs and mix well. 

Heat up the pan on a high heat (but not the highest) and add some sort of lubricant to the pan. I like to use butter. This recipe is not for the faint of heart, as you need a lot of butter to grease the pan, to make sure they don't stick! 

Fill each hole 2/3 of the way. When one side is cooked flip them over using a fork. This takes a little practice, but don’t worry. We are not going for beauty, here, we are going for yumminess! 

Once they are cooked through, remove from the pan. Grease up the pan again and get the next batch going, while you eat the finished ones piping hot, dipping them in sugar, icing sugar and/or jam. Part of the joy of these is burning your fingers and mouth as you eat them straight from the pan! 

Note on gluten free: The recipe normally uses regular flour, but I just used a gluten free one, and I think it worked quite well. They are a bit harder to get crispy, so just keep flipping them over, taking care to crisp them up without burning them! 


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